I am a software engineer with over 6 years of expertise in front-end development, specializing in React.js and Node.js. Eager learner and sharer, proficient in Computer Science, Web Development, and Software Engineering.
Passionate about leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and coding, with a keen interest in JavaScript full-stack development.
Enthusiastic about tackling business challenges and leveraging technology for innovation.
Sun Jan 01 2023 - Present - (2 years 1 months)
iO is an end-to-end agency designing and executing solutions for strategic, creative, digital & marketing needs. Skills: JavaScript · React.js · Next.js
Fri Nov 01 2019 - Thu Dec 01 2022 - (3 years 1 months)
Behtarino is a commerce platform like Shopify, Square, etc including products such as Website Builder, POS Desktop Application, and Business listing service. Technologies: - React.js - Redux - SASS - Next.js - Electron.js - Django
Sat Jun 01 2019 - Tue Dec 31 2019 - (6 months)
SnappTrip is an online accommodation booking site in Iran and is revolutionizing the travel market. The company was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Tehran, Iran. Technologies: - JavaScript - React.js - Redux - Saga - Sass - Node.js - Docker - Kubernetes.
Thu Mar 01 2018 - Sun Jun 30 2019 - (1 years 3 months)
7030 is a system for selling credit products, including recharges and internet packages, and payment services, which share users with 70% of their profits.
Wed May 01 2019 - Mon May 01 2023 - (4 years 0 months)
Bachelor's degree, Computer EngineeringBachelor's degree, Computer Engineering
Sun Jan 01 2017 - Tue Jan 01 2019 - (2 years 0 months)
Associate's degree, City/Urban, Community and Regional PlanningAssociate's degree, City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
Wed May 01 2013 - Mon May 01 2017 - (4 years 0 months)
High School Diploma, Mathematics and Computer Science
Stars: 475 - Forks: 29
List of companies with remote positions which hire Iranian experts
Stars: 96 - Forks: 3
A typescript Sudoku package for generating, solving (step-by-step or all), and analyzing Sudoku boards with ease. Perfect for building Sudoku games and integrating Sudoku functionality into your applications.
Stars: 1341 - Forks: 101
Hi everyone, we want to list companies that hired at least one Iranian. If you are an expert and tried to relocate from Iran, you definitely found out that it's hard to find companies that can support you as an Iranian to relocate and obtain visa. so we want to create a list that can help you query the companies much easier.
Komeil Mehranfar - Frontend Development Expert and Business Enthusiast
Welcome to my personal website. I am Komeil Mehranfar, a frontend development expert with a passion for solving problems and creating beautiful, intuitive user experiences.